Winols 224 Crack Download
Posted October 23, 2018. Concord Monitor Office 1 Monitor Drive Concord,NH 03301 603-224-5301. © 2016 Concord Monitor.
It’s a customer share of latest version WinOLS v2.24 car ECU tuning software. Copy here and enjoy! Free download software: WinOLS 2.24 – not tested yet, try on your own risk (Pass: qwert) WinOLS v1.5 – kind of old version but tested without issues (English or German) If you need winols crack software, please contact us via Email: Sales@OBDII365.com Operation system recommended: Windows xp 32 bit How to install WinOLS 2.24 software: 1. Install WinOLS 1.721 2. Run WinOLS 1.721 and Next Next etc. 3. Install WinOLS 2.24 ( Metod 1 >>> Setup.exe ) 4. Run C:/Program Files/EVC/WinOLS/ols_32on32.exe and Next Next Next 5. Copy EVC_key.dll, EVClicenseMOD.dll and winols.exe on the folder Metod 1 / Crack in C:/Program Files/EVC/ ( NOT IN WINOLS!!! ) only in EVC.
6. Copy EVC_key.dll and EVClicenseMOD.dll in C:/WINDOWS/system32/ 7. Run C:/Program Files/EVC/winols.exe DONE! Tested on more PCs.
What else you need to know: WinOLS vs Swiftec vs: ECM titaniu m gives you maps ready, but Etc not to do power tuning 80% use titanium. New version of titanium is far much better then the old cracked version running arround (ps i m the only one to have a copy where MED9.x and med17 drivers actually work lots). If u want to do maps only and don’t have lots of money and advanced knowledge, go for titanium and use winols to correct checksum, also most modern tools support checksum correction in writting. For beginners, ECM titanium is the best, more easy to understand interface and work with it. after you understand maps and do some tunings you can buy winols, WinOLS doesn’t gives you maps ready (must create them) in winols you can do byte coding 1 byte lohi or hilo this permit you to move some switches in more understandable way used in a lot ecu’s and also in vag sw long and short coding If you are a professional tuner, it will be better using WinOLS.

Swiftec gives you maps (not very good for maps) + dpf/dtc/egr/kat/ etc, so i think for maps will be better ECM, and to make dpf/egr/dtc etc is better Swiftec. With Swiftec you have same level of freedom as OLS have, featured Map Manager (FREE), and special modules to help build own map packs, also Swiftec offer map packs if you want make your job faster or does not have big experience with creation of map packs youself. If you compare OLS/ECM/RACE or some other edition tool, with Swiftec you get lots of modules that other tools not even dream to have, it’s TORQ/DPF/EGR/DTC/ADBLUE/MAF/FLAPS/SL/STARTSTOP/O2/LC Removal modules, and it’s also included to base version of Swiftec. Swiftec have FREE and included autodetection of maps for Bosch MSA, EDC15, EDC16, EDC17; Delphi (include Trucks); Denso (include Trucks); Lucas; Motorola MEMS NNN, Perkins, Trucks; Phoenix (John Deere); Siemens MSE, MSD, Rotax, SIM2K; Temic; TRW (EMS2); Visteon.
It covers much more ECU’s than OLS can do. And it also have module what OLS does not have, which name maps and put conversion values, so it build map pack automatically and FREE for you. Module “Automatical maps recognition” for Bosch EDC7/EDC15/EDC16/EDC17/ME7/MED17, Delphi DCM/CRD, Denso, Lucas Trucks, Marelli MJD, Motorola EMS/MEMSNNN, Siemens MSD80/SID/SIM2K/PCR/PPD, Temic Trucks ECUs. Rukovodstvo po okraske v kamuflyazh voennoj tehniki.
So, in sum it looks like ECM Titanium is good for beginners, swiftec for advanced,and winols for pro. All 3 software give possibility to modify the maps but: ECM Titanium didn’t cover all memory for checksum for example if we want to change something more then map Winols – you can do all does things in pro level but you need to know where you need to look for it and what to change. Swiftec is not so good for modify maps but have lot options for dpf,egr, immo.