
Kazakevich Pichugina Semenova Programma Po Tehnologii

Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union: a comprehensive legal analysis (Section III. Bodies of the Union; Section IV. Budget of the union; Part two. Customs Union. Functioning of the Customs Union) The paper is a logical continuation of a series of works devoted to the study of legal loopholes in the Union Treaty. The authors give their own comments to the sections and paragraphs of interstate legal instrument. The definition of the term «Eurasian functionary/Eurasian employee» is formulated.

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Of The opinions of foreign and domestic scholars about the nature of supranational institutions are given. The author’s interpretation of the term «Court of the Eurasian Economic Union. Ella fitzgerald full discography torrent youtube. Court of EAEC/Confederation» is elaborated. The article focuses on the political, legal and economic developments within the Post-Soviet area including the processes of the Eurasian integration and its implications for the EU-Russian relations.

The authors analyze the EU and Russia`s policies towards the Post-Soviet space including dynamics of the Post-Soviet politics, Eurasian integration and its institutions, EU Eastern Partnership and European Neighborhood Policy. The Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan and Association Agreements between the EU and Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova are analyzed. In conclusions the article outlines the prospects for the development of the EU-Russian relations regarding the Post-Soviet international politics and current Ukrainian crisis. This article is devoted to the analysis of criminal investigations conducted by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in respect of crimes committed in Ukraine, namely the legal jurisdictional basis of these investigations. The author exposes to the debate the principles of criminal jurisdiction, which lay the foundation of investigations, and distinguishes between the principle of universality and the principle of protection. The main criteria that enable to distinguish between these principles are considered and own conclusions are drawn.

Keywords: foreign judgment, recognition and enforcement, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Work bibliographic list 1. La noire activation code generator pc download Sulejmenov M.

Doklad na mezhdunarodnoj konferencii: «Uregulirovanie investicionnyh sporov s uchastiem gosudarstv s perehodnoj jekonomikoj» 13–15 nojabrja 2009 g., g. Moskva (v ramkah nauchnogo proekta, provodimogo pri podderzhke nauchnogo fonda «Fol'ksvagen» (Germanija) «Pravo inostrannyh investicij v Azerbajdzhane, Kazahstane i Rossii: balans interesov v stranah s perehodnoj jekonomikoj»). Chernichenko S. Vopros o sootnoshenii mezhdunarodnogo i vnutrigosudarstvennogo prava kak pravovyh sistem (razmyshlenie po povodu nekotoryh knig kolleg). — Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija i pravo: vzgljad v XXI vek.