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ECONOMIC ISSUES Shishkin V. V., Kudryavtseva G.

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V., Shishkin V. Ostrovskaya E. N., Lugovskoy R.


D., Bulychev V. N., Baryshev K. A., Semenov K. Chernysheva E. M., Akhmetov T. MODERN PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION Verkhoturtsev V.

PAGES OF HISTORY Guseinov H SOCIETY AND LAW Gassiev M. ECONOMIC ISSUES Shishkin V. V., Kudryavtseva G.

V., Shishkin V. Ostrovskaya E. N., Lugovskoy R.

Pizengolts V. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY Eydis A. L., Chutcheva Yu.

SOCIAL AND LABOR RELATIONS AND PROCESSES Sklyarenko R. MANAGEMENT Sizyakova A. Y., Lyu Hai Nam MACHINERY REPAIR AND MODERNIZATION Latypov R. A., Bakhmudkadiyev N. D., Bulychev V. N., Baryshev K. A., Semenov K.

Chernysheva E. M., Akhmetov T. MODERN PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION Verkhoturtsev V. PAGES OF HISTORY Guseinov H SOCIETY AND LAW Gassiev M. THE VALUE-ORIENTED APPROACH IN THE STRATEGY OF INNOVATIVE AND ANTI-RECESSIONARY DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS The comparative assessment of traditional and value-oriented approaches in system of the public strategic administration is being presented. Advantage of value-oriented approach in innovative and anti-recessionary development of business is being shown.

Key words: system of the public strategic administration, value-oriented approach, nanobioeconomy, nanobioclusters, innovative and anti-recessionary strategy. REFERENCES 1. Filosofiya neravenstva // Russkaya filosofiya sobstvennosti (18-20 vv.) / Avt.-sost.: K. — SPb., 1993. Kritiko-istoricheskiy ocherk teorii tsennosti.

— SPb., 1921. Vyzhletsov G. Filosofiya ekonomicheskikh tsennostey // Problemy sovremennoy ekonomiki. V., Kudryavtseva G. Aga bai halla machaye re hd video song download.

V., Shishkin V. Antiretsessionnaya ekonomicheskaya strategiya predpriyatiy malogo i srednego biznesa na mikro- i nanoekonomicheskom urovnyakh // Mezhdunarodnyy nauchnyy zhurnal. Gosudarstvennoe strategicheskoe upravlenie / Pod obshch. — SPb.: Piter, 2014. Moore M., Khagram S. On Creating Public Value: What Business Might Learn from Government about Strategic Managevent // Working Paper of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative.

Filosofiya khozyaystva. — M.: Nauka, 1990. S., Norton D. Strategicheskie karty: transformatsiya nematerial'nykh aktivov v material'nye rezul'taty. — M.: Olimp-Biznes, 2005. Antikrizisnyy plan meropriyatiy razvitiya predprinimatel'skoy deyatel'nosti v sfere torgovli Sankt-Peterburga // «Federalizm».

— Access mode:. STATUS OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN INDUSTRY This article analyzes the processes of integration and the key issues of industrial development in St.

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Petersburg and Leningrad region. Identified successful projects cluster development and integration processes. The examples of existing government programs to support and development of industrial enterprises. The necessity of further improvement of Russian legislation and the integration processes in the industry are coming along with the mechanisms of the state policy in the field of state strategic planning in the regions of Russia. Key words: state policy, industry, planning, regional policy, economic policy. REFERENCES 1. A., Sorokina M.

Gosudarstvennaya politika v sfere torgovli: razrabotka i realizatsiya: monografiya. — SPb.: TEI, 2012. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Sankt-Peterburga ot 28 iyunya 2011 goda № 835 «O Kompleksnoy programme «Nauka. Innovatsii» v Sankt-Peterburge na 2012–2015 gody» (s izmeneniyami na 29 dekabrya 2011 goda).

Partnery Tsentra prototipirovaniya izdeliy iz kompozitsionnykh materialov i naneseniya pokrytiy / Ofitsial'nyy sayt «Tsentr prototipirovaniya izdeliy iz kompozitsionnykh materialov i naneseniya pokrytiy» [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:.

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Tsentr prototipirovaniya izdeliy iz kompozitsionnykh materialov i naneseniya pokrytiy / Ofitsial'nyy sayt «Polimernyy klaster» [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:. Tekushchee sostoyanie / Ofitsial'nyy sayt «Tekhnopark «Ingriya» [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:. Innovatsionnaya infrastruktura / Ofitsial'nyy sayt Administratsii Sankt-Peterburga [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:.