
Durnoe Upotreblenie Materialjnih Blag Chasto Yavlyaetsya Vernejshim Putem K Esse

Collection History The Library acquired the majority of the albums in this digital presentation during the early 1930s. Many were originally part of Romanov palace libraries nationalized by the Soviet government and sold abroad for hard currency. Background Subjects include Russian Orthodox churches, monasteries, and ecclesiastical art; views of cities, as well as small provincial towns; secular architecture; tsarist- and Soviet-era political exiles; and the diverse peoples of the Russian Empire.

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A number of albums include portraits of the Tsar or the imperial family; state occasions, military maneuvers, and relaxation at the imperial hunting lodge are all depicted. Represented as well are military operations, particularly during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. Russian Revolutionary-era photos are extensive, ranging from the immediate aftermath of the February Revolution, to the Stalinist period. Many of the imperial association albums-that is, those presented as gifts to the royal family-are of superior technical and artistic quality, and in several cases mounted in bindings that are themselves works of art, incorporating silver, wood, and other decorative elements. Related Resources Hee-Gwone Yoo.' Holdings of rare photographs and plate books at the Slavic and Baltic Division of The New York Public Library.'

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Rosia yongu (Russian Studies), vol. 1 (2002): [323]-332. Collection Data.

1 Introduction This document is based on the 19th periodic report submitted by the Russian ederationF to the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. 2 It has been prepared by INFOE, the Institute for Ecology and Action Anthropology. Eksperimental'nye dannye i opyt ekspluatatsii pokazyvayut,chto k takim rezhimam otnositsya plavanie sudna v usloviyakh subgarmonicheskikh i supergarmonicheskikh rezonansnykh rezhimov.Prichinoy ikh vozniknoveniya yavlyaetsya nelineynoe vzaimodeystvie korpusa sudna i zhidkosti.